丹麥傳承,精準打造: Ortofon AS-212R、AS-309R參考級唱臂

【全文輯錄自「MY-HiEND 」】

不僅有出色的唱頭,自1953年開始,丹麥Ortofon就已經開始設計唱臂,新發表的兩款唱臂: AS-212(9″)、AS-309(12″),是Ortofon技術團隊多年經驗與技術的積累,有著優雅美麗的外觀與傑出的表現,能再生出唱片的所有細節。每一個參考級唱臂的元件都是經過高精度機械工藝所打造,確保其能平順與精準的在唱片上循軌運行,唱臂的關鍵承軸核心亦是如此,讓唱針在拾取唱片溝槽時能非常準確,失真最低,再生最好的聲音。在Ortofon的技術加持下,AS-212、AS-309唱臂的安裝、設定與操作非常直覺簡單,唱臂為動態平衡(statically balanced)設計,針壓(needle pressure)與抗滑(anti-skating)的調整都相當方便。此兩隻唱臂都滿足Baerwald alignment的標準,達到最小的循軌誤差。

AS-212R 9″ 參考級唱臂規格
● Mounting distance: 214 mm
● Effective length = 232mm
● Overhang: 18mm
● Offset angle: 23.75
● Arm shaft diameter: 18 mm
● Recommended arm shaft hole diameter: 22mm
● Vertical Tracking force range: 0 to 4g
● Cartridge weight: 18 to 26 g. (with standard weight, including headshell)
● Cartridge weight: 26 to 38 g. (with heavy weight, including headshell)
● Tonearm weight: 600g/630 g. standard weight/heavy weight

AS-309R 12″ 參考級唱臂規格
● Mounting distance: 311 mm
● Effective length: 323,5 mm
● Overhang: 12.5mm
● Offset angle: 16.75
● Arm shaft diameter: 18 mm
● Recommended arm shaft hole diameter: 22mm
● Vertical tracking force range: 0 to 4g
● Cartridge weight: 18 to 26 g. (with standard weight, including shell)
● Cartridge weight: 26 to 38 g. (with heavy weight, including shell)
● Tonearm weight: 680g/730 g. standard weight/heavy weight